Feeling guilty about your choices? Are you stuck in a rut of eating poorly, skipping workouts and feeling stressed? It might be because of a certain event or vacation. Or maybe it is the holiday season and there are lots of temptations around. Whether it is a rare occasion or it happens every weekend, getting off track and “falling off” is frustrating.
You tell yourself: “I’m getting back on track this week. Today I’ll be good & on my plan”. But then you feel so out of routine and not know where to start, so you don’t do anything or wait until the holidays are over, a Monday, a new month etc…
You don’t have to wait though! While we can’t go back in time, we can learn from these experiences and be better equipped moving forward!
So what do you do when you’ve fallen off track & ready to get back to it? Here are the top things I do and what I teach my clients to implement!
1. Be kind to yourself. Stop the negative talk! Beating yourself up isn’t going to change your choices. Acknowledge things will happen.
2. Dig deep & ask WHY. Why do you think you (fill in the blank). Was it lack of preparation, stress & lack of coping techniques, social pressure, etc? Pinpointing what contributes/leads to the action can help you navigate a plan to be more in control.
3. Set a tangible & realistic goal for the week. Ideally, it is something positive choice that ADDS to your life, versus deprives or restricts.
Example: I will aim to eat a veggie at every dinner, I will take a walk every morning VS. I will not have any dessert, I will stay under X amount of calories/day.

4. Don’t expect Perfection. Set goals that are realistic and build your confidence. Understand that you will be not 100% at your health at all times. Keep it simple!
5. Get back to your ROUTINE. What are the minimum requirements you must do on a daily basis to feel good? What does that look like with your nutrition, movement, sleep, self care? Deciding on your “non negotiables” helps you stay accountable to you/your health when the weekend/temptation comes around again.
6. Get rid of the Triggers. Physically remove what you can that is an obvious factor that is limiting your success. Don’t “try to have willpower”; If it got you to where you are now, chances are it needs TO GO.
7. Have an Accountability Partner. I hold my clients accountable by providing them with reasonable expectations, positive reinforcement, motivation and tangible tips to make the positive choices a habit & lifestyle. Clients will tell you they have better & lasting results when you have someone to rely on! đ
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and looking for a sustainable way to reach your help goals, then let’s chat about how I can help! Schedule a complimentary consultation with me to go over your personal concerns and goals & let’s come up with a personalized plan and steps to get there!
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