Building your support team is a key part to success in your health journey! Below I have listed my top recommendations for Functional Medicine Physicians and Holistic Practitioners.
I know and have partnered with all personally and feeling 100% confident in their expertise and knowledge to help!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me below with any questions.
Dr. Misty Senz: Chiropractic & Functional Medicine Physician, Naturopathic Doctor in Painesville Ohio www.senzfamilychiropractic.com
Dr. Nanci Miklowski, Naturopath, specializes in women’s hormone and gut health (Works with clients virtually) https://www.gonaturalhealth.com/
Dr. Melissa Manilla, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and Functional Medicine Practitioner in Lakewood
Check out our interview together here: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/J4Dl…
Contact: www.inspiredcw.com, info@inspiredcw.com
Kate Shoger, Doctor of Pelvic Floor & Occupational Therapy
www.fullbloompt.com Email: kate@fullbloompt.com
Watch our interview here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/5iyQQPkXhOOeQEjxFvJOtuT2oqSLSkO6c9NjmQ9_nuUFCXh84hC2xcpjzC46YYn2.3HoFe3ZaHhXPoImq
Options Naturopathic Office in Cleveland Heights
www.optionsnaturopathic.com, drpatrick@optionsnaturopathic.com
Kerry Jenkins: Functional Medicine certified P.A. of Whisper Health
Virtual and In Person Services available; Boca Raton, Florida
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