Healthy eating doesn’t need to be complicated. I believe nutrition should be personalized, enjoyable, realistic and sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you can “eat healthy” for 2 weeks. What about 2 years from now? Are you able to keep this up?
Clients come to me and say one of the biggest mistakes they have made is trying to change EVERYTHING at once. You might be super motivated, but you’re also human. If you try to do ALL the things, you set the bar TOO high. Then you aren’t “successful” because you’ve put crazy unrealistic expectations on yourself…so you feel guilty, discouraged & think “Screw this none of this matters”. Are you ready to break out of this mindset?
Then we have to change the focus and plan!
Start small and make healthy swaps in place of less nutritious options!
Focus on ADDING whole foods to your diet and less focus on eliminating foods.
Don’t restrict, instead have better alternatives!
Below are some good places for anyone to start. Yes these will taste “different” in the beginning, and that’s the point. The more we eat sugary, fatty processed foods, the more we want them. So it is about being aware of your food choices & realizing that you don’t HAVE to eat them anymore. But you DO have the power to change that and re-train your palette! The better you eat, the better you feel and chances are you won’t even miss the other foods!

The biggest piece of advice I can give is to focus on whole, real unprocessed foods & leave the “food products” on the shelf. There are SO many more nutrient-dense alternatives out there that are just as delicious! Start where you can and keep moving the needle forward!
For more information on how to make healthy food choices, check out my NUTRITION ARTICLES HERE!
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