Did you know? FOOD has the ability to affect our moods and brain function!
Do you experience erratic mood swings, depression or anxiety? Do you have trouble concentrating, brain fog or lack of zest/motivation?
One reason why I love being a holistic nutritionist is that we can influence our health from the inside out. We utilize specific nutrients, foods, herbs and plants to help support the body’s systems and bring it back to balance. We should always look inwards first, rather than starting with an outside force, like a pill or drug! It’s so awesome to see the clients I work with improve their health concerns with what they EAT!
Our moods are influenced by neurotransmitters and hormones. These include tryptophan, serotonin, 5HTP, dopamine, adrenaline and cortisol. There are certain foods and nutrients we need for the proper creation and balance of these neurotransmitters. These include: B Vitamins, Vitamin C Vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids (protein).
Where to Start?
Prioritize Gut Health (to properly break down, absorb and convert the nutrients to be used by the body)
Consume a Nutrient Rich Diet
Cut out the CRAP: conventionally raised, refined, artificial and processed foods
- Top Quality animal protein: wild caught fish, grass fed beef, pasture raised organic chicken or turkey
- Organic grains: quinoa and brown rice
- Legumes & Beans
- Avocado
- Hemp hearts, chia and flax
- Whole free range organic eggs
- Green veggies: spinach, asparagus, kale, sprouts
- Mushrooms
- Berries
- Fermented foods (kimchi, sauerkraut)
- Dark chocolate or cacao
- Adaptogens, herbs and spices: rosemary, peppermint, ashwaghanda
Also consider these other lifestyle factors: daily movement, exercise, stress and sleep

Cut out the CRAP: These ingredients disrupt the Gut Microbiome AND nerve firing within the brain. A healthy GUT and BRAIN are needed for Healthy MOODS!
What to Avoid:
- Refined carbohydrates
- Refined and artificial sweeteners & ingredients
- Conventionally raised animal & dairy products
- Non-organic produce
- Vegetable oils (canola, soybean etc)
- Packaged & processed foods (ie the middle aisles of the grocery store)

A Different Approach
I recommend taking a functional-medicine and holistic based to mood and brain health. Why? Because it addresses the root cause of any mood disorders or imbalances. It looks to HEAL from the inside out, and not just treat symptoms. My approach is to optimize all of the body systems to work together, for optimal well-being and long term health.
Looking for a personalized and holistic approach to better moods, emotional well-being and brain health? Send me a message below and let’s chat! I’d love to help you.
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