Setting Health “Minimums” for Better Results & Success
Have you ever worked really hard for months to get the results you want, only to be thrown into obstacles or challenges and be knocked out of your routine? It is so much easier to stay on track with your fitness/nutrition plan when you can stick a routine right? Going to the grocery store and meal prepping, getting to the gym on a regular basis, and in general, have control of your surroundings are some healthy habits that can really make a difference in seeing results.
It is so much easier to stay on track with your plan and healthy lifestyle when you can stick a routine right?
But easier said than done, am I right?
Life gives us curveballs: Work conflicts, kids, sickness, travel, holidays….there can always be “something”.
When you fall off track, it’s discouraging & can feel so hard to find your rhythm again.
99% of my clients will say they struggle with all or nothing tendencies. If they miss the mark, then it’s defeat & think “I’ve failed, why bother”.
We know that it is not possible to have total control 100% of the time, so what do you do in these situations? You set your “health minimum/ non-negotiables”.
This is the exact framework I use with myself and with my clients 👇
1️⃣ Create Your “health minimums”: these are simple, basic parameters you set for yourself, that you can follow in any situation or environment.
What if everything falls through? If your day goes to total shit, you can still hit these goals and call it a win!
These are great if you struggle with consistency, especially during the holidays, weekends and travel!
Some examples of “Daily Minimums”:
*Eat vegetables with at least one meal
*Consume protein with every meal
*Hit a step goal
*Drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces of water
*Have 10 min of down/quiet time
2️⃣ After you create your “minimums” then make tangible goals for the day/week, when things are more “normal”.
*At least 15 minutes of intentional physical activity a day
*Prep/plan out your meals
3️⃣ As you can see, it’s about setting the right expectations for ourselves.
A workout doesn’t have to be one hour to be effective.
Maybe you set your minimum to 20 min. If you do more, then great!
For meals: sometimes you throw together a protein shake for a meal. Maybe some days you have a nice prepped dinner. Having back up frozen & pantry items are life savers!

You can choose 2 or 3 options from this list and check them off each day that you’re away from your normal routine. It may not seem like much, but one small step forward is still progress!
So this week, go ahead & decide to break out of the black/white mentality and create strategies to “succeed”!
I’m here to help you do just that!
If you are looking to get some help with overcoming your own roadblocks on your weight loss journey, then let’s chat! We collaborate to create a nutrition plan of action that is best for you and be that accountability partner we all need to achieve these goals. Schedule a complimentary consultation below to learn if it’s a good fit to work together!
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