As you have learned in my previous posts, Adrenal Fatigue is ultimately a result of chronic STRESS. When the body perceives stress in any capacity, the adrenals release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These allow us to respond against the stress. But long term this low grade stress leads to serious issues.
You can find those articles here: Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue and Triggers of Adrenal Fatigue
So, how do we start balancing our hormones and feeling like ourselves again?
The biggest key is to Acknowledge the Stress, the Adrenal Fatigue and the NEED for change in multiple ways.
But I know: Accepting that there is a problem and then deciding to make the necessary steps towards change can be embarrassing, overwhelming, or a little scary. It can also seem like you are a “failure” because you couldn’t keep up with your life’s demands and stress. This is not the case AT ALL.
It is so important to realize that NO ONE is perfect and that trying to be Superman/Woman is not realistic or maintainable by any means. Plus, many people with Adrenal Dysfunction and HPA disregulation have a “Type A” personality, thrive on productivity, always go go go, and burning both ends of the candle. It can be hard for that person to admit that they have to change their habits and lifestyle, because heck, change is scary. But your long term HEALTH is worth it….yes, YOU are worth it!

While every person will have to make specific personalized changes, the main focus is to:
Identify the Root Cause of the Adrenal Dysfunction
Avoid and/or Eliminate the Negative Stressors that are leading to the fatigue and hormonal imbalances
Create New Positive Habits that are sustainable and lead to a balanced and healthy lifestyle
Yes…Life is not perfect and there will never a be a time that is completely “stress-free”. BUT part of a healthy lifestyle is being Mindful and Listening to our body and our life. We need to know WHAT and HOW MUCH stress affects us. We also need to have healthy habits to manage stress and “non-negotiables” in place to keep us in check and keep us feeling good without backtracking.
All areas of your life and health should be prioritized, which includes:
- Diet & Nutrition
- Supplementation
- Rest & Recovery
- Exercise
- Environment
- Mental and Emotional Well-Being
- Relationships

The mental and emotional aspect of our health is overlooked, but what I consider a crucial part in balancing Adrenal Dysfunction. You could be eating all the right foods, exercising, taking supplements…but where is your mindset in all of this? Are you enjoying the process, or just feel like it’s another item to check off your To-Do List? Are you still feeling overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated?
I believe that being happy from the INSIDE will ultimately lead to the best physical health, outward changes and achieving the BALANCE between our body, mind and spirit. You realize you MUST alter your prioritizes, mindset & perspective if you want to start feeling different. Change nothing…and nothing changes!
Okay are you ready??
Step 1: Let go of the idea of PERFECTION.
Yep, I said it! Striving for a “perfect” life, job, body, family etc. is not realistic or sustainable, and sets us up for disappointment and feeling like we have failed. We have to get rid of this black or white mindset. You are worth more than how productive you are or how much you accomplish!
We have to set REALISTIC expectations for ourselves while changing our PERSPECTIVE on our idea of “success”. Extremes are easy and having moderation can seem challenging. But it IS possible.
Step 2: Write it Out

Try this exercise where you create two different lists.
Grab a sheet of paper and write a line down the middle. On the left top write “Fatigue List”:
The stressors or areas of your life you want to change or improve, The symptoms or health issues you want to eliminate, Negative situations, environments, specific stressors, etc. These are the things that are holding you back & need to be changed in order to see progress!
On the right side, write at the top “Wellness List”.
These can include all of your goals: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual priorities that have taken the back-burner and that you need and WANT to incorporate (back) into your life. Write down anything, big or small, even if you don’t think they are attainable. Be honest and take your time…
What do you want more of in life?
What do you need and want in life to make you feel happy, satisfied and balanced?
What are areas of your health that you want to improve on?
These are things that would make you healthier in ALL aspects and lead to healing the adrenals!
These lists are personal to you YOU and your health. Compare your lists and be honest with yourself. What do you struggle with the most? What do you want and need to prioritize the most?

The goal is to REDUCE the amount of Stress on the Left, while INCREASING more of the health-promoting areas and behaviors on the Right. Don’t aim to eliminate everything; decide what is a reasonable area to address and keep moving forward.
Follow the 5 R’s to Stress Management:
You can find the full article describing this process at this article HERE.
Example of a Fatigue List:
- Goal of perfectionism
- Aiming to do too much all the time
- Lack of sleep/rest and recovery
- Lack of exercise
- Negative work environment
- Poor nutrition choices and erratic eating habits
- Lack of supplementation
- Negative relationships
- Negative self-talk
- Digestive Issues and Food sensitivities
- Chronic exhaustion and low energy
- Insomnia
- Weight gain
Example Wellness List:
- Getting more sleep
- Improve digestion and gut health
- Improve nutrition, diet and supplement where needed
- Work on finding new job and work environment
- Create a more balanced daily schedule, esp morning routine
- Be kind & compassionate to myself; practice self care
- “Allow myself” for more down time aka “mental health time”
- Improve and maintain steady energy levels
- Gain back my “zest for life” and mental well-being
- Reduce chronic joint and muscle aches
- Spend more quality time with friends and family
- Have a balanced and enjoyable exercise routine
Step 3: Prioritize Yourself
Now you’ve acknowledged the need to make changes, and wrote out what specific stressors you have, while brainstorming what you DO what and areas you need to improve.
Now it is time to make a tangible plan!

Key Factors to Prioritize with Adrenal Fatigue:
- Reduce Overall Stress
- Proper Stress Management Techniques
- Setting Boundaries
- Delegate and Ask for Help
- Build your Support Team
- Reduce environmental toxin exposure
- Self Care Tactics
- Optimal Sleep and Rest
- Balanced Exercise
- Balanced Meals and Eating Routine
- Nourishing Foods
- Targeted Supplementation
- Optimal and steady energy levels
This list might seem like a lot at first. It is because it is important to address ALL aspects of your life to optimal results!
I personally think the best place to start is with not necessarily adding or doing MORE (we already do enough of that!) but is to focus on MINDSET, REST and SELF CARE.
Once you start sleeping more, resting more, taking projects off your plate, you will feel less mental fatigue, stress and anxiety. Sleep and rest is when our body naturally gains energy and recovers. This is the BEST way to support the adrenals and overall hormone system.
Aim to get 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. This might not happen immediately, but making it a priority WILL affect the rest of your life!

For tips on creating a healthy night and sleep routine, read my article here: Tips to Improve Sleep
After Sleep and Rest, I would focus on your NUTRITION, as this is another major area of health that can boost energy, focus and heal the body from the inside out!
Check out my article to get started: Nutrition Basics 101
Lastly, remember you are worth it! You can and have the power to heal your hormones and improve your health!
If you’re still overwhelmed…I feel ya. Remember I have been in the SAME boat as you. That’s why I’m here to help!
Don’t hesitate to send me an email below. Let’s chat about what is going on and how I can help.

I specialize in helping women reclaim their body and their health through personalized wellness plans & 1:1 accountability coaching sessions.
You deserve to look, feel and function at your best!
XO Allison
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