Are you suddenly working from home and not getting anything done? Are you trying to make sense of “home schooling” your kids? Many of us are feeling stressed about these life changes! But don’t worry. You can do this! It’s all about creating structure, expectations and habits that support those. I’ve been working from home for a few months now, and have figured some key strategies to optimize productivity, focus and creating a balanced day!
Here are my Top Tips:
A Solid Morning Routine is KEY to a Successful Day!
In the Morning:
Wake up and get up at the same time every day (within 15 minutes is ideal!)
Drink Water: Water gives us energy, improves digestion and detoxification, boosts brain function, focus, decreases cravings, and so much more!
Avoid or limit social media or emails: I will glance over these, but I do not respond, prepare or do anything until coffee and journal time. They can be time suckers, distractions and even cause worry and stress. Leave it later for later in the day.
Get Physical: Do some sort of movement in the beginning of the day! I do on average 20-30 minutes of running, walking and stretching to get my body and brain going! It also increases energy and can support digestion.

Get “Ready”: Most of the time this is my 5 minute make up routine and usually active wear, because I will do a morning workout and/or have in-person clients. It doesn’t need to be fancy, but getting out your jammies will help “switch on” to work mode!
Get Nourished: I like to start my morning with lots of water and a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar. Why ACV? Sooo many benefits! Click HERE to read about them. I might also have a small glass of homemade green juice.
If you eat in the morning, make sure to have a balanced “plate” that contains protein, fiber and fat. This will keep you full, satisfied, focused and energetic all morning long! Avoid high carb and fat items, like a bagel with cream cheese, oatmeal with fruit etc. that create a spike then drop in blood sugar. Prefer to wait to eat? That’s okay too! Just make sure you recognize when you need some food and to fuel appropriately.
Focus and Plan out your Day: I brew my coffee and drink it while I journal and plan out my day! I write out things I’m grateful for, a mantra, affirmation or bible verse, and I also read my Daily Devotional. I also write out 3 very specific things I want to accomplish by the end of the day. These are things that if you ask, “Do accomplishing these bring me closer to my goals?” you would say YES! Anything else accomplished is “extra”! Now, THEN at this point, I am ready for the day!

Productive Day Tactics
Create a Positive Environment
We want to minimize distractions here! Create a calm and stress free work or study zone. Have an area that is designated to work or school. Working from home but no office space? Find a quiet space (hopefully where you can close the door) where you can work with minimal interruptions and optimize focus. Have good lighting or sit by a window, have a clear workspace (put away/organize clutter). Put on some essential oils, background music (I listen to instrumental jazz or piano) to get a good vibe going.
Tackle 1 big To-Do before Noon. Don’t procrastinate and do 5 small things from your list while avoiding that one. Go back to that original day plan: Pick 1 of those 3 important tasks and just DO IT. You’ll feel so much better, motivated and sets a great vibe for the rest of the day.

Time Block: This is a work in progress for me but SO important!! Designate short time blocks for different tasks. Keep them long enough to complete, but short enough where you work fast and it is a bit of challenge. When the time is up, then done! Move on to the next. This helps make sure you don’t spend too much time on something, and keeps you on schedule!!
Take Scheduled Breaks: Use this for time to eat, check your phone, get on social media, take a walk, etc. I like to give myself 5 min every hour, and about 30 minutes every 3 hours.
Avoid Multi-Tasking: Stick to that original plan from the day and avoid the temptation to do ALL the things. Focus on literally 1 task at a time, complete it, then move on.
Set Boundaries: When you work from home, you could literally work allll day long. I’ve been guilty of this, especially when there is so much to do! Set those priorities early in the day, designate your breaks, and when you will stop.
Create a “Transition” Routine: This is a small chunk of time that you transition (maybe physically, mentally or both) out of work/school mode, and into your home mode! I like to look over what I did that day, and tasks, appointments etc. that are coming up for the next. I get prepared the night before & “brain dump” my thoughts, tasks etc. so that they’re ready for me the following day to execute! Other ideas include: short meditation, a walk, listening to music or a podcast etc. Taking this time allows you to “unwind” from the day and be more present/focused with your family!
LASTLY: Be sure to schedule in time for:
- Meals
- Exercise
- Quality connection with loved ones and your family
- Rest and Relaxation
- Sleep
What are some areas of your day and routine that you could improve on? Questions, comments? I’m here for you. Let me know below how I can help!
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