Nutrition and the foods you eat have a direct impact on your hormones and your Adrenal health. Suffering from Adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalances? Then you must start prioritizing what you consume! There are foods and specific nutrition tips to help with Adrenal Fatigue!
Food has the power to affect our physiology; it is not only fun and enjoyable, but it is also information and can be medicine for our bodies. With adrenal dysfunction, the key is to build meals that focus on nourishing our bodies with the nutrients that are depleted in times of stress.
Remember, stress raises cortisol, inflammation, and can cause other hormonal imbalances. A comprehensive approach to nutrition is important to not only support the adrenals, but to also minimize or resolve any other health issues.
Top Nutrients for Adrenal Health:

- Vitamin B Complex: Found in vegetables & animal products
- Vitamin C, D, E: Darky leafy greens, nuts and seeds, citrus, sprouted grains, legumes
- Zinc: Seeds, whole eggs, animal products
- Magnesium: Nuts, seeds, spinach, dark chocolate
Other Important Nutrients to consider:
- Omega 3 Fats: This helps to reduce inflammation, support cellular energy and cognitive function/focus.
- Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt: This mineral is necessary for adrenal function! Adding quality sea salt to your water or your food is actually GOOD for the adrenals! It replenishes the minerals lost because of the affect stress has on our kidneys.
- Adaptogens & Herbs: Adaptogens are natural herbs that help your body adapt to stress, by supporting the production of neurotransmitters and hormones. They work with your body to create balance, whether that be to increase or decrease a certain function or system in the body. Some create more energy and alertness, while some create a sense of calm or help reduce anxious thoughts. Energizing adaptogens include rhodiola, ginseng, eleuthero. Balancing and calming herbs include reishi, ashwagandha, holy basil, shatavari, to name a few!
All of these nutrients also affect other areas of the body, such as the brain, thyroid, reproductive organs and kidneys. All of the systems are connected! 🙂
Below you will find my Top Recommendations to support happy, healthy Adrenals and overall hormone functioning!
Top Foods for Adrenal Health:
- Dark leafy greens: Cruciferious veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, arugula, spring mix, swiss chard, broccoli sprouts
- Colorful vegetables: Bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, asparagus
- Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries
- Citrus: Lemon, lime, orange
- Avocado
- Almonds & Walnuts (Raw without oil)
- Raw Seeds: Sunflower, flax, pumpkin
- Pasture raised eggs
- Quality raised meats: Chicken breast, grass fed beef, turkey
- Quality Seafood: Wild caught salmon, tuna
- Root Vegetables: Squashes, sweet potato
- Sprouted grains: organic quinoa, millet, brown rice

Meal Tips:
- Eat on a regular schedule: Everyone has a different routine & preference, but aim to eat at regular intervals. Erratic eating, skipping meals, over-eating/bingeing later puts our blood sugar, cortisol & energy levels on a rollercoaster. If we’re busy/stressed we tend to put off eating, or emotionally eat/snack. Avoid skipping meals. Eating structured meals with snacking where need be keeps your adrenals and energy happy. This on average looks like eating every 3-4 hours. Consistent eating will also keep your insulin steady, your metabolism going & you’ll feel more satisfied, better metal clarity & less cravings.
- Build a balanced plate: Every meal should contain PFF: Protein, Fiber & Fat. Healthy fats are required for hormone production and regulation. Fiber provides satiety & also improves detoxification & optimal digestion, both needed for hormone balance.
- Don’t fear carbs or fats: Don’t restrict, deprive or cut out a food group completely! Fat builds hormones and carbs are necessary too! The key is to consume the right AMOUNT and the best QUALITY. We want to choose fats that REDUCE inflammation, like avocado and wild caught seafood, and carbs that provide steady energy. Go for fiber-rich and low-glycemic complex carbs. Great choices include quinoa, organic rice, sweet potatoes/yams, squashes, lentils, beans.
- Avoid sugar & inflammatory foods: Common offenders include processed/packaged foods, junk & fast food, vegetable oils, refined sugar, gluten, dairy, soy & alcohol. Even “diet” products & artificial ingredients negatively affect hormones. These foods are a STRESS to the body!
- Consume a “Qualitarian” diet: This is a “diet” that everyone can follow and benefit from! The focus is on consuming as many whole, real nourishing foods as possible, while choosing the best quality available! Avoid packaged, processed foods, diet products, conventional animal products etc. while opting for more fresh produce, humanely raised meats, healthy fats, and lots of water!
- Go Clean: Conventional animal, dairy & produce contains antibiotics, steroids, hormones, pesticides, heavy metals & more that all disrupt our own hormonal system! Choose top quality, ethically and humanely raised meats, seafood & dairy products. Aim for organic & refer to the Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen when shopping for produce.
- Proper Hydration: This is very simple but plays a huge role in overall health! Water is essential for brain function, nerve and muscle contraction & all organ functioning. With Adrenal Dysfunction, the hormone aldosterone is increased, making us feel thirstier and urinate more often. Be mindful of drinking enough water for your size ( at minimum half of your bodyweight in ounces of clean, filtered water every day) which will keep energy and fluid levels at optimal.
Questions on how to start eating a diet for Adrenal Fatigue? Not sure how to make this work for you? I’m here to help! Send me a message below and let’s chat.
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