Top 5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Results
Are you making these 5 mistakes when it comes to your health & results?

1. You’re not working hard enough
2. You’re over-doing it and doing TOO much
3. You are STRESSED
4. You don’t give it enough time
5. You aren’t following a plan that is personalized to you
1. You’re not doing enough. Yes, I said it. Tough love here…but if you want to see change, you have to be willing to work for it. That means making exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc. a daily priority. Half effort equals half results. If you’re not getting anywhere ask, “How intense are my workouts? How much am I moving every day? Am I being truly diligent with my food intake? Am I sleeping? Oh, and how are my hormone levels?!”
2. You’re doing too much. Yes, there can be too much of a good thing. Over-exercising, not eating enough, pushing yourself to the max and being obsessive over your health can backfire. This causes excessive stress & will hinder results! You don’t need to always do MORE, but it’s about being smart and efficient with your efforts.

3. You’re STRESSED. Stress raises cortisol, adrenaline and inflammatory markers within the body. These pause any progress you want because the body is SMART and will prioritize putting out the STRESS fire before it will even attempt to lose weight, improve your energy levels or regulate your period! And remember that stress can be chemical, environmental, physical, mental or emotional.
4. You don’t give it enough time. Do you have “Wellness ADD?” Giving yourself only a few days or weeks on a certain plan and expect drastic results is setting yourself up for failure. Results take TIMEEEEE. You have to be consistent and give something AT LEAST 4-6 weeks and then assess if it is the right plan for you.
5. Nothing is Personal. Are you following your friend’s workout plan? Did you grab your current macros from a website or magazine? Are you trying this new diet because it worked for your sister? There is no cookie cutter one size fits all …and if a coach wants to tell you there is, then run the other way.
How do we avoid these mistakes and break through your rut?!
- Acknowledge and be honest with what could be holding you back: What COULD you be doing better?
- Brainstorm ways to work smarter, not necessarily more.
- Determine what stressors in your life you can remove and reduce, and decide on some healthy ways to manage & relieve the stress you do have.
- Determine a set time frame of at least 4 weeks to be consistent. Create a routine that you follow so that you aren’t yo-yoing back and forth.
- Reach out for help & support!

You don’t need to do this alone. Let me take the guesswork & let’s work through these factors together!
I work with those who are frustrated, tried different things and are ready to look, feel and function at their best. No diets, extremes or restrictive measures necessary!
If you feel STUCK and ready to try a different approach, then it’s TIME TO CHAT! Send me a message below!
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