5 Tips for Healthy Dining Out & Travel ✈🍽😁
Do you find yourself unsure of how to stick to healthy eating when you’re dining out? Are you overwhelmed when traveling, and just end up saying “Screw it, I’ll eat healthy when I’m home”??
There’s no need to have a Black and White mindset with your eating and dining out. Follow these tips to help you stay on track and feel confident in your choices!
1. Eat When you’re Hungry. This sounds like a no brainer, but many times we eat based out of routine, habit, and when traveling, because of social obligation, events and even FOMO can have us eating when…we aren’t even hungry. Stay in tune with your hunger & have it be a reason why you eat!
2. Practice Intermittent Fasting. Many people like a 16:8 routine, but do what is best for you. A common travel routine for me is to do a fasted workout then have brunch around 10/11am.

3. Be Picky. I have foods that I choose to indulge in, because I actually WANT them, not just because they’re available. Healthy eating is much easier when you have a “game plan”. Example: I will say no thanks to breads, pastas and pizza but YES to all the desserts!
4. Portion it Out. Indulgences are normal, healthy and totally acceptable. But one cookie will not affect how you feel or look, versus a whole plate. Be mindful of your portions. I always order less than I think I need, since restaurant portions are always so big!
5. Eat Normally. As in, choose the normal foods you have on a daily basis as much as possible! Sticking with your “go tos” are sure to keep your body, energy and digestion happy. My go tos are egg white omelets, salads, grilled chicken or fish, steamed veggies & snacks I packed from home. This was a delightful kale & citrus salad with chicken!

PS: I ALWAYS dine out and travel with my Gains in Bulk @gainsinbulk Digestive Formula to combat any digestive upsets, bloat etc! These are a lifesaver. Get yours here and the discount code “ally10” saves you at checkout!
What about Alcohol? 🍾🍹🍺
If you choose to have some adult beverages, know that they DO have calories; (7 cal per gram, carbs & protein 4 cals and fat has 9 cals).
If you track or monitor your intake, factor in alcohol as either a carb or fat. Choose wisely, as alcohol can have hundreds of calories, and it gets broken down into sugar in the body. Plus, it’s a toxin to our liver, so know that it doesn’t aid in our health at all. But hey, it sure is fun sometimes!
Final Thoughts:
It is OKAY and totally normal to indulge when traveling or on vacation. With mindfulness, portion control & indulging with certain meals, not EVERY meal, it IS possible to enjoy yourself AND honor your health at the same time.
Questions about Nutrition or How to Navigate Eating Out?
Send me a message below!
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